Filtreeri hinnaalusel
Table clock Dimensions: 13 x 13,2 x 4,7 cm Weight: 300 g Wooden case Batteries: 2 x AA
Table clock Dimensions: 13 x 13,2 x 4,7 cm Weight: 300 g Wooden case Batteries: 2 x AA
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Table Clock 15 x 15,3 x 5,5 cm Weight: 375 g Brown wooden case Battery: AA
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Table clock with pendulum Dimensions: 18,2 x 28,4 x 11,1 cm Weight: 710 g Rotating pendulum Batteries: 2 x AA
Table clock with pendulum Dimensions: 18,2 x 28,4 x 11,1 cm Weight: 710 g Rotating pendulum Batteries: 2 x AA
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Table clock with pendulum Dimensions: 19,6 X 24 X 10,6 cm / 870 g Weight: 870 g Rotating pendulum Batteries: 2 x AA
Table clock with pendulum Dimensions: 19,6 X 24 X 10,6 cm / 870 g Weight: 870 g Rotating pendulum Batteries: 2…
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(Eesti) Dalvey Sedan kell
(Eesti) Dalvey lauakell Suurus: 120mm x 25mm Kõrgus (stand): 180mm Teras Kinkekarp
(Eesti) Dalvey lauakell Suurus: 120mm x 25mm Kõrgus (stand): 180mm Teras Kinkekarp
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